Face Fit Testing

All wearers of tight-fitting masks and respirators must be fit tested in accordance with current legislation for each make and model of mask that they use in the course of their work or activity. A mask that has not been fitted correctly is unlikely to provide the protection expected by the wearer.

Fit Testing Facts
Current UK legislation requires that wearers of tight-fitting respiratory protective equipment (RPE) must be fit tested to ensure that the equipment delivers the protection expected. This includes The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH), HSG53 (guidance on RPE at work) and The Control of Asbestos Regulations (CAR) to name a few.
To make sure that your fit test is carried out to a high standard that gives you confidence that your RPE is protecting you, the best recommended practice is to seek the services of a fit tester that is accredited to the BSIF / HSE Fit2Fit programme. Simon Safety has accredited fit testing staff that have passed the Fit2Fit accreditation so you can be assured that you will receive the best experience from your fit test.
Why we Fit Test
Poorly Fitted Masks and Respirators Leak
A poorly fitted respirator mask will allow excess particles, gases or vapours to penetrate the mask seal allowing the wearer to inhale the very substances that they believe they are being protected from. One mask does not fit all wearers!

Developing a Workplace Respiratory Programme
Simon Safety can help you and your business develop a simple programme to ensure that all of your RPE requirements are catered for. From assistance with the selection of the correct types of RPE, through face fit testing, training and on-going maintenance of any re-usable masks and equipment.
Having an appropriate RPE programme in your business will deliver the best protection for your employees and also demonstrate compliance with current legislation.

More Than a ‘Tick Box’ Exercise
A good fit test session will instruct the wearer (the candidate) on how to don their RPE as well as how to care for it during it’s use. The fit tester will have an extensive knowledge of RPE and will be able to answer any questions. Every candidate is unique and should expect the best experience from their fit test.
Want to Know More?
To find out more about our fit testing services please get in touch with us using the following methods:
Email: fit2fit@simon-safety.co.uk or sales@simon-safety.co.uk
Telephone: +44 (0)1646 600750
In Person or Traditional Mail:
Simon Safety & Lifting Centre Ltd
Unit 73, Honeyborough Industrial Estate
Milford Haven
SA73 1SE